Barrister Charlotte Proudman got what some will say was her just desserts by way of this Bar Standards Board (BSB) prosecution for allegedly bringing the profession into disrepute when criticising a judge on social media and supposedly misrepresenting the judge's ruling. What goes around comes around ... Charlotte Proudman got what was coming to her ... some will say ... from her over the top past behaviour - as she suffered badly and was worried sick that her career may come to a premature end. BUT criticism of a judge, may, in principle, be fair comment and on this occasion, Dr Proudman came out a winner as the Disciplinary Tribunal ruled that she had no case to answer, and declared that her robust opinions were ECHR Article 10 - freedom of speech - compliant. One IS allowed to say hurtful things of others under U.K common law IF they are reasonably justified. The BSB were doing the judiciary's dirty work for them when trying to teach Ms Proudman a lesson ... as the judiciary hate criticism.

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